دستگاه Grael 4K PSG:EEG

Over 26 years of experience in designing PSG and EEG amplifiers, including the highly successful Compumedics E-Series, has culminated in Grael - Our most technologically advanced amplifier yet, and the world's first High Definition PSG amplifier.

Choose the model best suited for your needs: Grael for dual-platform PSG and EEG, or Grael EEG for dedicated EEG studies.

دستگاه Grael LT EEG

Industry-leading value amplifier with research-grade technology. A powerful EEG amplifier aimed at clinical EEG studies.

دستگاه TCCD MyLab X6

Esaote’s new MyLabX6 makes your workflow so efficient and smooth, it does not only increase productivity, but it also empowers your clinical performances. Take advantage of the 21.5” HD IPS technology LED monitor to get outstanding image quality and an unparalleled degree of details from your scans. Fast response and easy interface usage also adapt flawlessly to all of your clinical needs, giving your assessments comfort and flexibility.

دستگاه اسپیرومتر رومیزی مدل HI-301

بیماری های تنفسی شرکت CHEST، شرکتی ژاپنی می باشد. این شرکت بصورت تخصصصی بر روی تولید و توزیع تجهیزات الکترونیکی

دستگاه اکوکاردیوگرافی MyLab X8

MyLabX8 Platform represents an outstanding source of innovation and technology, designed to accelerate your workflow. MyLabX8 Platform offers: an LCD monitor with the latest technology, a smart stand-by function and a fast boot time, Windows® ۱۰ O.S., zero-click automation functions, and cutting-edge ergonomics.

Achieve infinite results with its highly intuitive user interface and advanced clinical tools, tailored to suit your needs. The MyLabX8 and MyLabX8 eXP ultrasound systems set a standard of high performance, offering a brand new ultrasound experience.

دستگاه اکوکاردیوگرافی و سونوگرافی MyLab X7

Esaote’s new MyLabX7 technology allows you to make better, faster, and more reliable decisions thanks to extremely intuitive usability and ergonomics that meets every need. Take advantage of a resilient, green and movable system with outstanding image quality, optimally simple interface usage, and significantly faster outputs thanks to the zero-click automation functions. Details can be seen as never before with the IPS technology LED monitor, while advanced hemodynamic evaluation with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution allow you to make assessments smoothly and more confidently, even in difficult situations.

دستگاه الی تنس (Elle TENS)

دستگاه الی تنس (Elle TENS) یک نمونه از دستگاه های پیشرفته تنس می باشد. دستگاه الی تنس ساخت کمپانی body clock