گوشی تخصصی قلب Top Cardiology

4,352,400 تومان

The Top Cardiology stethoscope is the ideal stethoscope for cardiologists. The chest pieces of the KaWe Top Cardiology stethoscope are crafted from solid stainless steel. These quality stethoscopes with excellent acoustics were developed using high-quality craftsmanship and technology. This high-quality stethoscope has a single-tube system with an integrated head piece made of stainless steel; soft ear tips ensure optimal wearer comfort. Each stethoscope comes equipped with two spare pairs of ear tips, one spare diaphragm and a name plate.

گوشی فوق تخصصی قلب Planet

7,207,200 تومان

The Planet stethoscope has been our most successful cardiology stethoscope for more than 35 years. Each one is unique and is meticulously fabricated in our factory. The individual serial number stamped into the gold-coloured chest piece of each instrument guarantees flawless traceability.